Giving Hope to Fighters, One Pumpkin at a Time
By working under the CRCF, our fund operates as a 501C3 charitable fundraiser.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
Past Events 2015

2nd Annual Tree of Hope Lighting Ceremony
Lincoln Park, Olean NY

Oct 23rd – 2nd Annual Gin Mill/Pink Pumpkin Project Auction
At our fabulous and fun 2nd Annual event at The Gin Mill in Ellicottville NY, The PPP raised over $2,000.00 and highest auctioned pumpkin was sold for $500.00!!

October 1 - 23: Our Famous Pink Pumpkin SALE!!!
The Pink Pumpkin Project is proud to report that we have sold 1,010pumpkins!!!!
At this time we are closing our Pumpkin Sale so we may fill the current orders.
We would like to extend a HUGE "THANK YOU!!!" to all those that placed orders!!!
You may still make donations using the "Donate" button above.

Light The Night Pink
We were the recipients from the Olean General Hospital Campaign, which granted us over $2,000.00 from pink light bulbs that were sold in the Olean, Allegany and Bradford Areas for people to turn on their pink lights outside during the month of October during breast cancer awareness month.
PPP First Annual Celebration
A HUGE thank you to all those who participated in our AMAZING First Annual Pink Pumpkin Celebration on Saturday, Septemeber 19 at the Old Library Restaurant!
Over 300 people came to celebrate breast cancer fighters and survivors at this amazing event.
First Annual 5k Run/Walk
On Saturday, August 22, 2015, the PPP held our first annual 5k run/walk!!
There were 199 walkers and runners in attendance along with several people supporting their family and friends!
There were give aways of fitbits, gift cards and raffles of 2 Billy Joel tickets and 2 tickets to a NY Yankees game. We also had our Pink Pumpkin Project Tshirts and bracelets for sale.