Giving Hope to Fighters, One Pumpkin at a Time
By working under the CRCF, our fund operates as a 501C3 charitable fundraiser.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
Our Partners

Olean Meditation Center
PPP has partnered with The Olean Meditation Center to utilize their beautiful facility for support groups and special events. Thank you to the Olean Meditation Center for believing in our projectenough to share space for what we need!!
Support groups have begun immediately! Please contact PPP for details and schedule. LINK TO CALENDAR OF EVENTS
Also, If you are a breast cancer fighter or survivor and would like to take any classes offered at the Olean meditation center such as yoga, Tai Chi, meditation or anything else, The Pink Pumpkin Project will pay for your session!!! Just let the instructor know your name, address, phone and if you are fighter or survivor!! Please take time for yourself on behalf of PPP
Address: 2275 Dugan Rd Olean, Ny 14760
Phone: 717.375.5550

Jim Mahar and
Jim Mahar, founder and long-time friend decided it would be a wonderful partnership.
Warm Snuggly Blanket grew out of an idea that Marge Mahar (Jim's mother) had as she was undergoing her own treatments.
Marge had been a high school teacher for much of her life. Additionally she had a large family. In the roles of mother and teacher, she impacted many people. Needless to say when she was first diagnosed with cancer (stage 4 breast cancer) she posted on Facebook and was inundated with prayers and good wishes from around the world. As she read through them and later prayed for all of those praying for her, she repeatedly said she felt like she was being wrapped in a warm snuggly blanket.
When she was being driven to the cancer center (Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo) she commented many times how glad she was to have so many people supporting her and that they all gave her strength and courage. She also said that she wanted to start a program (through BonaResponds) that would help those cancer patients who were alone and had no large support group.
From that idea and the great work of Kim Kotz (Villa Volunteers) came the idea of WarmSnugglyBlanket.

Olean YMCA
The Olean YMCA is providing each Fighter Tote with a free 30-day membership and 4 wellness visits with a personal trainer.
We are very thankful for the support the Olean YMCA has provided PPP!

Breast Cancer Network
PPP and the Breast Cancer Network of Western New York have a blessed working relationship where we each refer fighters to each others' organization. By working together, we will continue to help fighters receive education, information and support.
Visit the Breast Cancer Network of Western New York's website at:

Jodi Kramer, founder & CEO contacted The Pink Pumpkin Project thru Facebook decided it would be an amazing collaboration for both organizations. The PPP recently received its first 20 “heart shaped” pillows from SHE4Life for those who have recently undergone a mastectomy.
It is now too common for each of us to know someone who has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Whether it is our grandmother, mother, daughter, SISTER, aunt, wife, father, brother, uncle or friend... they immediately become the fiercest fighter we know.
The goal of S.H.E. 4Life, LLC is to work with retailers across the nation to place "SHE4Life" products in their stores to help fight the fight. The wholesale purchase of these products will generate dollars for donation to the regional breast cancer center or outreach program of the wholesaler/retailers choice. The wholesale purchases will generate a contribution to the selected program(s), from S.H.E. 4Life, LLC, but on behalf/in the name of the wholesaler/retailer. All of these post-sale actions/contributions will be coordinated with the respective wholesaler/retailers marketing department.
S.H.E. 4Life, LLC commits to our partners that we will supply fashionable, positive-messaging PINK RIBBON items that they will be proud to place in their stores, while knowing that they are supporting their local community--THEIR CUSTOMERS--who have the HOPE to SURVIVE. We feel there will be many in their local community that will adopt as their new goal: SURVIVE.HOPE.EMPOWER!

Kevin's Guest House
An open house was held 7/26 in Buffalo and Lynn Anzivine, PPP Founder and Pam Baker, Outreach Coordinator met with Lynsey Weaver, Executive Director of Kevin's Guest House and Kate Heidinger, Campaign & Development Director.
PPP will pay for breast cancer fighters, who are from the local 30-40 mile radius of Allegany to stay at Kevin's Guest House. PPP will also provide assistance for one support person of the fighter.
Thank you, Lynsey and Kate! We look forward to a wonderful partnership!!

The Pink Pillow Project
The Pink Pillow Project generously provides PPP fighters with a free pillow to aid in their post-surgical recovery and to help them through treatment.
Please visit to learn about pillows that have helped breast cancer fighters all over the world!